
A Circus of One

With each page, this raw account of a man coming to grips with his battle with booze—his inability to have intimate relationships with others— will shed light into anyone's life. Adam holds nothing back as he describes how each of the characters in his Circus of One played a part in his unraveling, while also being the stitches that slowly help him to heal.

Anyone trying to come to grips with his or her past and the role people play in shaping one’s life, should mark this as an important read. Growing up in New Mexico—hounded by the thoughts of an expected early exit from life birthed by a morbid childhood dream life left him seeking more of anything—Me, more and now!

The battle between the sovereignty of his reason and the sovereignty of his spiritual self would slowly stain his soul. Using his reason to manipulate his way through life was the foundation he built a multitude of life experiences upon.

Whether you’re struggling with addiction or any other difficulty, this real-life account describes one man’s path, the hard work necessary to understand how one lands in a place of disarray, and how to overcome what may seem insurmountable obstacles.

This work portrays not necessarily a how-to guide, but an account of one’s travels to a place of peace—entertaining, revealing, sobering, and healing in its own right.

Stories of Transformation; Book 1

The Only Relief… Is Change

After attaining sobriety the Circus Master Adam Francis Raby, author of debut memoir A Circus of One, is forced to wrestle with who is becoming and not who he was. Three lifelong obstacles chronically disrupt his journey: the inability to experience intimacy with himself, the inability to share intimacy with another human being, and the inability to embrace intimacy with something greater beyond himself. After thirty-four years of drinking, manipulating outcomes, and holding tightly to the reins of life, the first obstacle is surmounted by unearthing a healthy relationship with himself.

And his follow-up, The Only Relief… Is Change, Adam now faces the daunting task of exploring the possibility of his Circus growing beyond One to TWO. Could TWO include a healthy relationship with a woman? Could the very obstacle of a relationship with a woman — exceedingly painful to him — eventually be the agent to heal him?

This is more than a story about desiring healthy relationships. It’s a story about how the path to healing flows through a dynamic process. The twists and turns of allowing the next thing in life to happen. A sweeping departure from the planned controlled life. Embracing the beauty of the universe—  the natural flow.

Adam steers us through a healing journey into the unknown channeled by an energy swirling at his core while the healing power of the feminine spirit plays a crucial role. Trusting this energy (intuition) eventually leads to a radical healing with other human beings. Transforming from the wounded to the healer.

Stories of Transformation; Book 2